Smart Casual Dress Code for Women, How to Be Casual but Professional?

Smart Casual Dress Code for Women, How to Be Casual but Professional?

Truth be told, a smart casual female dress code probably needs more thoughts to dip into rather than any styling. That is because smart casual is all about wearing nice-suited and appropriated dressing. When you think of a smart casual dress code for women, you must put on some ‘smart’ thinking of how to combine your clothes without looking like you are dressing for a business casual.

The President of Arnold Partners, Dave Arnold, has a saying toward what smart casual attire females should wear. As for him, smart casual is when you combine typically casual looks with a touch of well-fitted fabrics. It means you need to dress ‘smart,’ but still professional.

Smart casual wear is going to fit for any events, depending on how you try to adapt to it. For example, you must consider whether going to professional events or off-day events. From there, you will be able to choose the style more precisely.

You do not want to wear a very casual style to work, do you? That type of example is also combined with the time of the event you are going to attend. Is it at night or daylight? Do not miss out on the small details!

Smart Casual Vs. Business Casual

Some people might believe that smart casual dress code is similar to business casual. Perhaps, there is no significant difference between them both. Yet, the sayings are basically wrong. Smart casual and business casual are two different kinds of styling. How come?

When attending a business casual event, you need some fully formal attire such as a collared shirt or blouse, dress pants, and dressy shoes. It would not be called business if there was no business-type of styling, now would it?

Otherwise, smart casual means you are not forced to wear a very formal business-type. It is enough with dark jeans, skirt, or even dress pants. Then, combine them with a natural colored shirt or dressy top. The most important thing that is attached to  a smart casual dress code is blazers. With blazers, you will rock any kinds of casual styling.

What You Should and Should Not Wear

As mentioned before, blazers are identical to a smart casual dress code. Although, you do not have to wear them all the time, but it definitely fits with anything. Plus, heels are not necessary if you are about to go to a casual event in the daylight. Just wear dressy flats, denim or cotton-made clothes.

However, do not be stiff. It is not an obligation for you to wear such a formal or business casual when attending an event with smart casual dress code. You can wear knee-length dresses or an elegant pair of trousers, final-touch them with blazers. You are god to go.

Pay attention to places and time. If you are having dinner at night, smart casual dress code for restaurants will go along with knee-length dresses or suit sets. It means you do not have to wear a collared shirt for this situation. Avoid too many prints at professional events, because it may look too much.

What and When to Wear?

You probably ask, “What is smart casual attire for work?” Because you feel like you do not want to look overly formal that it is not even a business casual dress code yet. Here is a solution, wear a blazer, natural colored shirt, dress pants, and dressy shoes. Other than that, skirts and nice casual hair and makeup are fine.


In hot weather, a smart casual style can also be a preference unless you know how to mix it with the theme. A nice sleek slip skirt with natural colors and a casual top or collared shirt are such an amazing combination. Try to wear them with dressy sandals and loose-hair.


It is probably hard to choose a smart casual dress code for winter. This theme is way more identical to coat and any thick clothes. However, a smart casual is indeed successful if you wear trousers, shirt, and blazer. You can also wear unripped jeans or skinny pants with a blazer when going to a casual event such as brunch or shopping.


Dresses are great! Especially, with knee-length to midi cut dresses to perfect your look. Pair it with dressy shoes and a bag. Make sure you wear some heels to a wedding, because it will make you look more elegant than with ballet flats.

Nimisski: Smart Casual for Women 2021

Start mixing and matching your own smart casual attire with Nimisski! There are several choices that you can wear to any events with a smart casual dress code. Want to know more of a smart casual? Nimisski has them, check these out!

Belted Cotton-Twill Blazer

Made from cotton-twill, this blazer has scrunched sleeves and an elegant natural color. White is flexible. You can combine this with mostly anything casual, such as shirt and dressy pants or a knee-length skirt. Add dress shoes, a handbag, and you are ready to go.